The Laboratory for Cutaneous Culture (Laboratoire de Culture Cutanée – LCC) is dedicated to the production of tissue-engineered products for the treatment of patients. In fact, the LOEX has been providing cultured autologous epidermis for treating severe burn victims since 1986. In addition, cultured autologous corneal epithelia and bilamellar reconstructed skin are also produced, both of which are currently in use in clinical trials.
The cells and tissues are produced in clean rooms situated on the second floor of the Multidisciplinary Centre for the Development of Tissue Engineering (Centre multidisciplinaire de développement du génie tissulaire - CMDGT), a 5000-square-metre research centre dedication to tissue reconstruction and stem cells. The 185 square metres of clean rooms are organised in 3 independent cell culture suites. Each suite is composed of 3 rooms: a vestibule, an incubator room and a cell culture room with a laminar flow hood, a microscope and a cell counter. The clean rooms also include a common preparation room, a cold storage room (freezers and cryogenic containers), change rooms, a vestibule for the entry of material, and a storeroom. Access to the clean rooms is tightly controlled. The clean rooms allow the production of tissues and cells in a controlled environment where conditions are strictly kept to GMP standards.
The expertise acquired over the last 30 plus years has made the LOEX an exceptional environment for advanced research in regenerative medicine. The access to clean room installations is a considerable asset in obtaining approval for trials that aim to transfer fundamental research towards clinical applications.